How to Remove Tarnish on Jewelry

Hello Friends of G Squared Designs! 

Today we want to talk about some jewelry maintenance.

You've just bought some of our beautiful earrings made with brass. The brass is clean and shines as good as gold! Unfortunately, your lovely earrings will get dull and tarnish overtime. But don't panic, with properly care you can return brass to its original fabulous look. 

Here are some tips:

1 Lemon and Salt: (My Favorite!)

  • Cut a lemon or lime in half and squeeze the juice into a small bowl.
  • Add a teaspoon of salt and stir forming a paste.
  • With a clean cloth or toothbrush apply a small amount on your jewelry and rub it gently.
  • Wash and dry the brass jewelry well to avoid water stains.

2 Toothpaste:

  • Get a regular white toothpaste. (avoid gel kind)
  • Apply a bit of toothpaste all over your brass jewelry.
  • Let it rest for a couple of minutes and then rub it softly.
  • Rinse and dry it. Don't forget to dry it very well to avoid those ugly water stains!

 3 ketchup or Tomato Juice

  • Apply some ketchup or tomato juice directly onto the jewelry.
  • Rub gently with cloth or brush.
  • Wash with water. You can repeat the process if the tarnish is not completely gone.
  • Dry your Jewelry well to avoid stains.

If the tarnish persist after using the natural methods above, then stronger chemical solutions can be used. 

  • WD - 40
  • Acetone (nail polish remover)
  • Bluemagic Cream
  • Bar Keepers Friend
  • Brasso

I hope you enjoy the tips!


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